Breastfeeding help and support in the comfort of your own home. “Nurture and Nourish Breastfeeding and Parenting Support” is a small local business recently established by three lactation consultants living within the Kalamunda shire. We are International Board Certified Lactation Consultants with additional qualifications in child health nursing. We are warm and gentle people who are passionate about coming alongside mums who are experiencing difficulties with breastfeeding, and helping them to meet their own breastfeeding goals (whatever they may be).
\nWe offer antenatal consultations which are particularly suited to women who may have experienced difficulty with breastfeeding a previous baby but wish to breastfeed a soon-to-arrive baby. We also offer a postnatal service (for a baby of any age) which involves a consultation in the comfort of your own home (usually around 2 hours in length), a detailed feeding plan written in collaboration with you, and 6 weeks of complementary ongoing phone and email support.
\nFor more information (including prices) please visit our website on\/home<\/a> or like our facebook page: